Welcome to reCourse!
At reCourse, we facilitate projects that help students and their study environment thrive.
Many factors can influence a student's life, or our ability to improve it, so our combined expertise is designed to respond to each unique problem with a high level of personal care and precision.
The main themes around which we solve, build and facilitate, are:
Recruitment & Retention
Learning Quality & Environment
Knowledge & Inspiration
Let's confront your complex challenges in education head-on!
Our Services
A slice of reCourse for every type of educational need!

Recruitment & Retention Services
Frequent requests
"Stabilise our student numbers"
"Find ways to reduce dropout"
"Make our programme more data-driven"
"Activate our student promo team"
"Raise our programme's visibility"
"Facilitate our recruitment actions"
Who it's for
Study programmes
Certificate courses
Career courses
Training programmes

Development & Collaboration
Frequent requests
"Support one of our programmes"
"Make us more data-driven"
"Facilitate our collaborative initiative"
"Develop our international network"
"Connect us to the work field"
"Become our partner"
Who it's for
Educational institutions
Knowledge should never be kept locked away.
Feel free to ask us for some quick advice any time!
Who we are
Meet our team of experts!

Case Studies
Here are some of our past projects:
I'd like some occasional mail updates!
Our Method
Across all disciplines and projects, we remain:
Most of our work revolves around students, so of course we include them in anything we do!
The key to our unique solutions lies in the way we deep-dive to get intimately familiar.
Whether we organise or facilitate, a 100% of our efforts are turned into usable data.
We collaborate with everyone involved to complement your resources with our own.
Our Services
Click & choose to find out what we can do for you!